Questions about God? – We’re All Asking ‘Em…

And I would really like to know what yours are.


I’ve begun a project with a two fellow Christian authors and we want to do something the church is not doing very well: we want to help people wrestle – honestly, boldly, and productively – with the questions we are all asking about God and Christianity.

We don’t want to offer flippant or easy answers. There are plenty of books and sidewalk sages who will do that.

We want to help churches, small groups, friends, families, and people like you and me to make space to grapple with the tough questions that we often feel unable to wrestle with in our churches.

To do so, we need to know those questions! That’s where you can help…

I’ve made a short, anonymous survey. Will you fill it out for us? Your honest questions will make a huge difference in this project and for the lives of readers who are wrestling just like you and me.

Click here to write out your questions anonymously 

Thanks for your help, and stay tuned for updates on the project!

Published by Christopher Greer

Writer, pastor, speaker following Jesus.
