New Baby, New Book (and a freebie just in time for Lent!)

Happy New Year! I hope your Christmas was meaningful and the year has started well!

I’m excited for 2016. Very excited.

The first–and best–reason for my excitement is my newborn son, Jacob Christopher Greer. Jacob, born on December 28th, is the most amazing Christmas present. Needless to say, my wife and I are totally in love. We praise God for him and the gift of parenthood. So…let the games begin! (This is the time to start dispensing all your advice for new parents. Don’t be shy!)

Speaking of arrivals…I’m also excited to announce the arrival of this

Final Book Cover Artwork for Why It Matters


5 Core Christian Beliefs and Why They ACTUALLY Matter (only $0.99 for a limited time) is the first installment of a new series of eBooks.

Why a book about our core Christian beliefs? Because what good is theology if it doesn’t impact our daily lives? That’s a question I’ve asked (on repeat!) throughout my church and seminary experience. Though our churches and Christian schools often teach the central doctrines of our faith, we do a poor job of explaining why they actually matter. And that, my friends, is a mistake.

After all, being able to name our theological beliefs is one thing.  Being able to think about, understand, and articulate why they matter is quite another.

I’ve written 5 Core Christian Beliefs and Why They Actually Matter to help fill that gap.

It’s a short book. And it’s far from exhaustive. But this little eBook (and the others that will follow it) will not only define some of our core beliefs–like the Trinity, Jesus’ humanity, the atonement, etc.–in clear and succinct terms, but it will also help you understand why these beliefs actually matter in everyday life.  

I can’t wait for you to read it. Click here to grab a Kindle copy today.


And…here’s a sweet opportunity to get a copy of Easter Is Coming, for free! 


Post a review of 5 Core Christian Beliefs at and get the Easter Is Coming ebook for FREE.  Here’s how…

 1. Buy and Read 5 Core Christian Beliefs
2. Post your review on Amazon.
3. Email your amazon name and a copy of your review to
4. I’ll send you Easter Is ComingIt’s that easy. And we’ll both be glad you did!
I’m thankful to have a new additions to my family and my writer’s library, and I’m thankful to have you as a reader.

Published by Christopher Greer

Writer, pastor, speaker following Jesus.
