Big Questions for God

When you meet God, what’s the first question you’ll ask him? Mine is easy: god-and-bible-front-coverWhy zits and mosquitoes, God? Sin and the fall of humankind is a serious issue. I get it. But acne and blood-drawing, itch-causing, malaria-carrying bugs seem like cruel and unusual punishment. For a kid who grew up in the mosquito infested South and battled extra-oily skin, my question was pressing!

Today I live in Southern California and I’m almost 40, so bugs and pimples are non-issues (thank God!). But my real questions for God linger, just as they do for every thinking Christian.

We believe God exists, we trust Jesus is the Way, but we’ve got tons of inquiries about him, the Bible, and this life.

Questioning is good. It’s vital, in fact. In our new book (the first of 3), we invite you to wrestle alongside us with some of those most important and toughest of questions.

Though the title says “Answering the Toughest Questions…”, we (Bruce Bickel, Stan Jantz, and myself) wrote this book not as a definitive response, but as an invitation to begin tackling, facing, exploring, and simply acknowledging the very real questions.

god-and-bible-title-pageFaith, God, the Bible, and the Christian life are rarely tied up in neat little bows. It’s messy. But we want to help.

in this book you’ll find great questions, thoughtful responses that welcome more questions, some answers to move us forward, Scripture to dive into, and humor along the way.

It’s been an honor to work with these long-time authors, and it’s a privilege to recommend our book to you!

Answering the Toughest Questions about God and the Bible is hot off the press and I’d love for you to pick up a copy and send me your feedback.

You have questions. We have questions. And we need permission, space, and opportunity to wrestle with them. I’m proud to say this book can be a very good start.

What questions are YOU wrestling with? I’d love to hear! Email me at

Need a little incentive to start reading? If post a review of Answering the Toughest Questions  on Amazon, I’ll send you one of my devotional eBooks (Christmas Is Coming, my Advent daily devotional, or Easter Is Comingmy Lent daily devotional) free! Just post a review on Amazon and shoot me an email at and I’ll send you the eBook. Get to reading, friends! I can’t wait to hear from you.

Published by Christopher Greer

Writer, pastor, speaker following Jesus.
