My First Baptism

Photo Credit: Jewels654 via CC Actually, it was Zack’s first baptism. And I did the honors. For the first time. For the last 4 months, a small crew of like-minded Christian fellas have been meeting at my house. It’s a typical church small group. Or community group. Or life group. Or whatever your church mayContinue reading “My First Baptism”

5 Ways to Help Our Family…Will You Pick 2?

The letter ‘N’, or the Arabic symbol pictured here, is used by ISIS to mark the homes of the Christians they are murdering, capturing, and driving from Iraq. The Islamic terrorist group chose this letter because it stands for the Nazarene,that is Jesus of Nazareth. It represents the One the Iraqi Christians claim as theirContinue reading “5 Ways to Help Our Family…Will You Pick 2?”

My Family is Being Murdered. What do I do?

If my family in Texas was being driven from their home, starved, and murdered, there is no question what I would do. I would board the next flight to DFW, run to the aid of my family, and fight to the death to protect everyone with the last name Greer. The truth is, I wouldContinue reading “My Family is Being Murdered. What do I do?”

How To Know God’s Will (Thank you Mother Mary!)

Image Credit: Konstantinos Mavroudis via CC   I am reading through the Christmas narrative in my Bible as I work on a Christmas writing project. It feels kind of weird to do it in August. But hey, if my little brother Andrew can record a Christmas album in August, I can write a Christmas book.Continue reading “How To Know God’s Will (Thank you Mother Mary!)”

Super Jesus

Photo Credit: Emily Carlin (CreativeCommons)   In the late 1930’s Superman made his comic book debut, and for the last seven decades readers and moviegoers of all ages have been thrilled by his use of super-human capabilities to rid the world of evil. The idea of Superman resonates deeply with the American psyche. Though aContinue reading “Super Jesus”

Extreme Hospitality (The Third Thing I Learned in Egypt about being a Christian)

 Image courtesy of Johnny Wilson at CC   I attend and work at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, and part of the church’s mission is to exhibit extreme hospitality. The church does it well. In fact, it was this genuine hospitality that brought my wife and me to the church in the first place and partContinue reading “Extreme Hospitality (The Third Thing I Learned in Egypt about being a Christian)”

We’re Not Very Good at Being the Church (The Second Thing I Learned in Egypt about Being a Christian)

Last week I posted the first lesson I learned about being a Christian while I was in Egypt. Believe it or not, it was this: Political Unrest is Good for the Church. (click here to read what I mean)  The second lesson I recently learned in Egypt about being a Christian is… Lesson #2 –Continue reading “We’re Not Very Good at Being the Church (The Second Thing I Learned in Egypt about Being a Christian)”

Political Unrest is Good for the Church (What Egypt Taught Me about being a Christian)

I was recently in the Middle East for a vacation in Iraq. Kidding. I was indeed in the Middle East, but it wasn’t Iraq, and nobody goes to the Middle East for vacation these days. The truth is two weeks ago I traveled to Egypt with a friend who has been involved in mission work thereContinue reading “Political Unrest is Good for the Church (What Egypt Taught Me about being a Christian)”

My Nine Year Old Mentor

Brad, the 50 year old leader of our group looked me in the eye and sternly said, “If I tell you to get on the bus, get on the bus.” Ten minutes later his voice rose above the noise as he said, “Get all the Americans inside right now.” And the somewhat agitated crowd ofContinue reading “My Nine Year Old Mentor”

The House that Obedience Built

Photo Credit: tpsdave at CC If you look at the road ahead, what do you see? When projects snapshots about life in the next five or ten or twenty years, what do they look like? Let me tell you about a few of the signposts I picture in my future. I see happy and healthyContinue reading “The House that Obedience Built”

The Servants Know

  Image courtesy of cc   Hello friends, The Christian discipleship website,, recently posted this blog. I removed it from to honor my publishing agreement with Trochia. But, there is good news! You can check it out here – The Servants Know – or search for it at Enjoy and return to forContinue reading “The Servants Know”

Doubts: Yours and Mine

Yesterday I was working my way through some blog posts I needed to catch up on, and I ran across an intriguing invitation at It was a writing contest called “Overcoming Writer’s Doubt” and it challenged writers to open up about a moment when they overcame doubt. But as I filed through my memoryContinue reading “Doubts: Yours and Mine”

Grief and Hope, Hope and Grief

Nicholas Wolterstorff in the book The Incomplete One makes a profound statement about grief and hope in the face of death. He writes, “Though grief does not smother hope, neither does hope smother grief.” Death is a reality everyone must face, and it presents a distinct and important challenge for the Christian. St. Paul, inContinue reading “Grief and Hope, Hope and Grief”