Bigger than 2013

My wife and I are glad that it’s 2013. Besides our wedding day in November, 2012 was a year to forget. The year was filled with unexpected challenges, pain, loss, and heartache. Personally, it was one of the worst years in memory. Which brings to mind an important truth. Lasting joy is found only inContinue reading “Bigger than 2013”

A City Around Jesus

  Have you ever read Revelation and felt a little guilty for not being super excited about worshiping Jesus forever?  Revelation 19, among other places, describes masses of people worshiping Christ. The image it sets in my head is of an incredibly long worship set. I’m sure the band is amazing, but  I’m already worriedContinue reading “A City Around Jesus”

Suffering is the Currency of Love

Recently at Harvest Church in Irvine, CA, I heard renowned author, writer, and Christian apologist, Dinesh D’Souza speak about suffering. The guy is smart. This guy is faithful. This guy is prolific. He’s authored numerous New York Times best-sellers, regularly debates the world’s leading atheist thinkers, is a former research fellow at Stanford’s Hoover Institute,Continue reading “Suffering is the Currency of Love”

Discovery Channel: Part-time Worship Leader

I’m going to start tithing to the Discovery Channel. Seriously. Currently my tithe checks go to my local church, where the Pastors and Elders and volunteers lead me in the worship of, discovery of, and learning of my Creator. So, I’ve decided that periodically, a tithe check will head straight to the Discovery channel –Continue reading “Discovery Channel: Part-time Worship Leader”