Extreme Hospitality (The Third Thing I Learned in Egypt about being a Christian)

 Image courtesy of Johnny Wilson at CC   I attend and work at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, and part of the church’s mission is to exhibit extreme hospitality. The church does it well. In fact, it was this genuine hospitality that brought my wife and me to the church in the first place and partContinue reading “Extreme Hospitality (The Third Thing I Learned in Egypt about being a Christian)”

We’re Not Very Good at Being the Church (The Second Thing I Learned in Egypt about Being a Christian)

Last week I posted the first lesson I learned about being a Christian while I was in Egypt. Believe it or not, it was this: Political Unrest is Good for the Church. (click here to read what I mean)  The second lesson I recently learned in Egypt about being a Christian is… Lesson #2 –Continue reading “We’re Not Very Good at Being the Church (The Second Thing I Learned in Egypt about Being a Christian)”

Political Unrest is Good for the Church (What Egypt Taught Me about being a Christian)

I was recently in the Middle East for a vacation in Iraq. Kidding. I was indeed in the Middle East, but it wasn’t Iraq, and nobody goes to the Middle East for vacation these days. The truth is two weeks ago I traveled to Egypt with a friend who has been involved in mission work thereContinue reading “Political Unrest is Good for the Church (What Egypt Taught Me about being a Christian)”

My Nine Year Old Mentor

Brad, the 50 year old leader of our group looked me in the eye and sternly said, “If I tell you to get on the bus, get on the bus.” Ten minutes later his voice rose above the noise as he said, “Get all the Americans inside right now.” And the somewhat agitated crowd ofContinue reading “My Nine Year Old Mentor”