Not Opposed to Effort: Solutions for Better Discipleship (solution #2)

(This post is the 5th and final blog in a series about the nature of discipleship in our churches today.)   Making disciples is what the Church was made by God to do. In this series I explain why we aren’t doing it well (Read it here)  and two things that stand in our wayContinue reading “Not Opposed to Effort: Solutions for Better Discipleship (solution #2)”

Not Opposed to Effort: Two Roadblocks to Discipleship

(This post is the 2nd in a series about the nature of discipleship in our churches today. Click here to read the first post.)  In last week’s post (Read it here) I argued that our misunderstanding of the oft-used phrase “grace is enough” causes us to misrepresent the Christian life and miss out on whatContinue reading “Not Opposed to Effort: Two Roadblocks to Discipleship”

Extreme Hospitality (The Third Thing I Learned in Egypt about being a Christian)

 Image courtesy of Johnny Wilson at CC   I attend and work at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, and part of the church’s mission is to exhibit extreme hospitality. The church does it well. In fact, it was this genuine hospitality that brought my wife and me to the church in the first place and partContinue reading “Extreme Hospitality (The Third Thing I Learned in Egypt about being a Christian)”